Change hostname
would it be possible to provide an option to change a VPS' hostname in the billing panel? At the moment the hostname is reset to for example "CT123" on every reboot.
I know that it would be possible to write a cronjob)..
Started By: Alex Bruegmann, At 10/04/2017 03:00:33
Views: 18705
Replies: 1
Alex Bruegmann At 10/04/2017 03:00:33
IPv6 setup
has anyone yet managed to get IPv6 up and running for their VPS? I tried the following so far:
Add address to venet0
ifconfig venet0 add 2602:my:ip:v6/128
Re-add default route
route -A inet6 del ::/0 dev venet0..
Started By: Alex Bruegmann, At 25/03/2017 09:12:10
Views: 17837
Replies: 1
Alex Bruegmann At 25/03/2017 09:12:11
IPv6 support
A "feature" I would love to see for my Sentris VPS is IPv6. I'm wondering if other ppl round here are interested aswel?
@Sentris: Do you have plans to add IPv6 support in the future?
Started By: Alex Bruegmann, At 23/01/2017 04:26:34
Views: 19427
Replies: 3
Liam Lei At 14/02/2017 10:17:14
TUN-Device in LXC
I got a FreeServer LXC container yesterday. They do not seem to have an option to activate TUN inside the container. Do you have plans to add that option and/or would it be possible to have TUN activated manually?
Started By: Alex Bruegmann, At 23/01/2017 04:24:07
Views: 17914
Replies: 2
Kevin Young At 31/01/2017 05:52:37