Operating systems we offer on VPS

We offer all Openvz, Xen or KVM based VPS. Xen based Windows is limited to 32-bit only and 4GB RAM. For 64-bit or support for more than 4GB RAM, please go with KVM based. And all windows, if require us to activate, it is $10/mo extra for activation on Windows 2008, $15/mo for Windows 2012. Or you can always activate yourself for no extra fee.

For OpenVZ based
- Centos 5 64-bit
- Centos 6 32-bit Minimal
- Centos 6 64-bit Minimal
- Centos 7 64-bit Minimal
- OpenVPN on Centos 6 64-bit (beta test - see here)
- OpenVPN on Debian 8 Turnkey (more info)
- Fedora 20 64-bit
- Fedora 23 64-bit
- Scientific Linux 6 64-bit
- Slackware 13.37 64-bit Minimal
- Suse 12.1 64-bit
- Suse 13.1 64-bit
- Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10.2 i586 Minimal
- Debian 6 32-bit Minimal
- Debian 7 32-bit Minimal
- Debian 7 64-bit
- Debian 8 64-bit
- Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit
- Ubuntu 15.04 64-bit
- Ubuntu 15.10 64-bit
- Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit
- FrontAccounting 2.2.11-1 (Debian 5 32-bit)
- Moodle CMS/LMS 1.9.9p-1 (Debian 5 32-bit)
- SimpleInvoices 2010.2-1 (Debian 5 32-bit)
- Drupal 6.26-2 (Debian 6 32-bit)
- FengOffice 2.2.1-2 (Debian 6 32-bit)
- SugarCRM 6.1.4-1 (Debian 6 32-bit)
- Joomla 2.5-2 (Debian 6 32-bit)
- Request Tracker Trouble Ticket System 3.8.8-2 (Debian 6 32-bit)
- Wordpress 3.4.2-1 (Debian 6 32-bit)
- Wordpress 4.4.2 Turnkey (Debian 8 64-bit - need 128MB or more)
- LAMP Turnkey (Debian 8 64-bit + Apache + MySQL + PHP - need 128MB ram or more)
- Media Wiki 1.15-5 (Debian 6 32-bit)
- Zenoss Core IT Monitoring 2.5.1-1 (Ubuntu 8.04 32-bit)

For New KVM based
*ISOs (click here on how):
- ANY OS you want (just give iso to support to add to your vps - extra $15 setup FREE)
- Windows 2008 R2 Activated ISO
- Windows 2008 R2 Chinese ISO
- Windows 8.1 Pro Activated ISO
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Ent ISO (min 8GB RAM)
- Windows 10 Pro ISO
- Windows 2012 R2 ISO
- Centos 6.7 64-bit ISO
- Centos 7.2 64-bit ISO
- Ubuntu 14.04.3 Server 64-bit ISO
- Ubuntu 15.10 Server 64-bit ISO
- Debian 8.2 64-bit ISO
- FreeBSD 10.2 64-bit ISO

*Templates (varies depending plan, see order form for exact templates available):
- Windows 2003 R2 Ent 32-bit Chinese Virtio
- Windows 2003 R2 Ent 32-bit Virtio
- Windows 2008 R2 Ent 64-bit Virtio Activated
- Windows 2008 R2 DC 64-bit Chinese Virtio Activated
- Windows 2012 Data Center 64-bit Virtio Activated
- Windows 2012 R2 Data Center 64-bit Virtio Activated
- Windows 8 Ent 32-bit Virtio Activated
- Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit Virtio Activated
- Windows 10 Ent Virtio Activated
- Centos 6.7 64-bit
- Centos 7.2 64-bit
- Ubuntu 15.10 64-bit
- Debian 8.2 64-bit
- Debian 8.3 32-bit

For OpenVZ based
- Centos 5 32-bit
- Centos 5 64-bit
- Centos 5 64-bit + PPTP VPN
- Centos 6 64-bit
- FreePBX 12.0.3 + Asterisk 13.2
- FreePBX 2.11 + Asterisk 1.8
- Debian 6 64-bit
- Debian 6 32-bit
- Scientific Linux 6 64-bit
- SUSE 12.1 64-bit
- Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit (works now with this fix)

For Xen based
- Windows 2008 32-bit Standard or Enterprise or DC ISO
- Windows 2003 SP2 English (check welcome email for default port and password)
- Windows 2003 R2 Chinese (check welcome email for default port and password)
- Centos 5.9 64-bit
- Elastix 2.5 (passwd reset)
- Debian 3.1 32-bit
- Debian 6.0 64-bit
- Fedora Core 6 32-bit
- Slackware 13.37 64-bit (need set static IP via console http://www.slackbook.org/html/network-configuration-tcpip.html)
- Gentoo 2014 64-bit

For KVM based
*ISOs (click here on how):
- ANY OS you want (just give iso to support to add to your vps - extra $15 setup FREE)
- WinXP-2003-x86_64 - W2003 or Windows XP 32/64-bit ISO
- W2003 R2 Chinese
- W2003 Ent R2 Corp Portuguese
- Windows 2008 R2 SP1 Activated ISO
- Windows 10 +/- Office 2013 Activated ISO (contact support after setup to add)
- Windows 8.1 64-bit Activated ISO (contact support after setup to add)
- Windows 8 + Server 2012 Activated ISO
- Windows 2008 R2 Chinese Edition
- Windows 2008 R2 Eng
- PIAF 32-bit
- PIAF 64bit
- AsteriskNOW 2.0.2
- AsteriskNOW 5.211.65-18
- AsteriskNOW 6.12 64-bit
- FreePBX 2.210.62-4
- FreePBX 6.12.65 64-bit
- PBX in a Flash 3.6.5 (see how)
- Debian 7.7 64-bit

- Windows 2003 Ent SP2 Eng x64 Activated
- Windows 2008 Standard R2 English SP1
- Windows 2008 DC Chinese Core (setup password)
- Windows 2008 DC R2 English (setup password)
- Windows 2012 DC English (setup password)
- Windows 2008 Server R2 Trial (setup password)
- Windows 2012 Server Trial
- Centos 5.9 64-bit
- Centos 6.3 64-bit
- CentOS 6.3 x86_64 Desktop KDE
- Centos 6.5 x86_64 min
- Centos 7.0.1406 x86_64 min
- Debian 6.0.5 64-bit
- Debian 6.0.5 GNOME Desktop 64-bit
- Debian 7.0.0 64-bit
- Debian 7.0.0 32-bit
- Debian 7.3.0 x86_64 Minimal
- Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop GNOME 64-bit
- Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 Server Minimal
- Ubuntu 12.10 Server 64-bit
- Ubuntu 12.10 Desktop 64-bit
- Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64 Server Minimal
- FreePBX Stable-2.210.62-4 with Asterisk 1.8
- FreePBX Stable-2.210.62-4 with Asterisk 10
- AsteriskNOW 2.0.2 with FreePBX GUI
- AsteriskNOW 2.0.2 with Asterisk 1.8 only
- PiAF 32-bit
- PiAF 64-bit
- ClearOS 6.3 64-bit
- Fedora 17 x86_64 Desktop Gnome
- LinuxMint 13 x86_64 Desktop XFC
- OpenSuse 12.1 x86_64 Desktop KDE
- SolusOS 1.2 x86 Desktop
- Mageia 2 x86_64 Desktop

For Resell plans (coming soon):
- Centos 5.11 32-bit
- Centos 6.0 with Virtualmin
- Centos 6.4 64-bit
- Centos 7.0 64-bit
- Debian Jessy 64-bit
- Debian Lenny with Virtualmin
- FreeBSD 9.1
- Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit
- Ubuntu 15.04 64-bit
- Windows 2008 R2 Data Center
- Windows 2012 Data Center

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